Saturday, September 8, 2018

How to create a Machine Learning Project regardless of whether you have a computer or not

Did you understand the intuition behind #Machine #Learning and basic Maths behind this and now create a little project for saving the world, regardless of whether you have a computer or not? Go to a shared computer (e.g. library, cyber cafe, tablet) or manage a #chrome book that has a web browser at most.

Then -
# You need a dataset to work on?
Go to Google #Dataset Search
# You need a Jupyter notebook with GPU backed?
Go to #Google #Colab
# You need some high level library to use?
Google colab has #Tensorslow with #Keras by default
# You need to port in the notebook code to script?
Go to Google Cloud ##Shell Editor
# Done with the scripts and wants to deploy it?
Google Cloud Shell comes with a #Unix instance
# Serve the model (e.g. as #API) to the world?
Google Cloud Shell has built in web server

* Nuhil Mehdy

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