Sunday, July 14, 2024

রান্নার মেনু, রান্না, Ranna, খাবার মেনু

 রান্নার মেনু,  রান্নার তালিকা, Ranna, রান্না, খাবার মেনু

Nasta, নাস্তা


  • Dudh
  • Dim
  • Kola
  • Khejur
  • Kismis
  • Badam
  • Muri
  • Chira vaja - from feriwala
  • Chana bot vaji
  • Seasonal fruits
  • Shosha
  • Gajor
  • Noodles

Friday, February 11, 2022

ডাক্তার, মেডিক্যাল, ট্রিটমেন্ট, হাসপাতাল ডিরেক্টরি


চক্ষু বিশেষজ্ঞ:



চর্ম রোগ বিশেষজ্ঞ:

Friday, May 21, 2021

সিলেট ডিরেক্টরি (সিলেট শহরে প্রয়োজনীয় কি কোথায় আছে)

শীতের ট্রাউজার:

কস্ট এন্ড কোং

টিলাগর পয়েন্ট এর আগে

কলার টি শার্ট:

ইজি, নাইওরপুল


ওয়ান উম্মাহ বিডি

আল হামরা শপিং মল

কম্পিউটার ল্যাপটপ:

হাইটেক কম্পিউটার


চা পাতা:

আজাদ এন্ড সন্স


Monday, January 13, 2020

Buy, Sell, and Talk Domain Names, Do you know about these two forums related to domaining

Do you know about these two forums related to domaining?

1) dnforum

2) NamePros

I think I have an account in both the forums since 2006.

Domaining is a good business model. You can take it as a full-time real business or as a side business while doing freelancing or anything.

I am not a domainer. I do not have real experience. Like other internet stuff, I did some studies previously. So if you ask me any questions regarding this I will not be able to help.

My suggestions will be to read those forums regularly and ask questions there.

- Abul Kashem

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Steps you must follow before trying to feed your data into any Machine Learning model

This is a great #pipeline or set of steps you should (must) obey even before trying to #feed your #data into any #MachineLearning model. Maths behind those steps/terminologies can also be found in different sections of this blog!!!

* Nuhil Mehdy

Saturday, September 8, 2018

How to create a Machine Learning Project regardless of whether you have a computer or not

Did you understand the intuition behind #Machine #Learning and basic Maths behind this and now create a little project for saving the world, regardless of whether you have a computer or not? Go to a shared computer (e.g. library, cyber cafe, tablet) or manage a #chrome book that has a web browser at most.

Then -
# You need a dataset to work on?
Go to Google #Dataset Search
# You need a Jupyter notebook with GPU backed?
Go to #Google #Colab
# You need some high level library to use?
Google colab has #Tensorslow with #Keras by default
# You need to port in the notebook code to script?
Go to Google Cloud ##Shell Editor
# Done with the scripts and wants to deploy it?
Google Cloud Shell comes with a #Unix instance
# Serve the model (e.g. as #API) to the world?
Google Cloud Shell has built in web server

* Nuhil Mehdy